BMS Videos
FIVE reasons building owners do not approve important fee proposals
Understand why your customers do not approve important fee proposals and build a pipeline of service project work.
Where will the BMS be in 10 years?
Where does the BMS/BAS fit in a world of technology? Where will the BMS/BAS be in 10 years?
BMS/BAS Distributed power and controls
We are building buildings faster than ever before, but we haven’t changed how we design and install the BMS/BAS. To keep up we need to completely change how we design and install BMS/BAS systems.
Who owns the cloud data - not who you think
Some technology companies will market their product as opening up the lock-in from the BMS and the BMS contractor. That may not be quite right.
How we resource BMS projects in the future might change (should change)
People don’t want to work like they have been for the past 100 years. People want more than just work-life balance. They want the flexibility to work where they want and when they want.
Who is responsible for your professional development?
Who is responsible for your continuous professional development? Your employer? You? Watch this video to find out.
Chiller Management System visualisation and analysis
The Chiller Management System (CMS) visualisation and analysis manual provides a resource for engineers that want to provide best-in-class chiller management system visualisation and analysis.
Do you think you know OA control? Separate min OA volume measurement? - Part 2
Outside air volume measurement helps, but it does not solve all our control issues.
Do you think you know OA control? IAQ Control? RAF tracking - Part 1
There are millions of buildings around the world that have the incorrect outside air being drawn in from the AHUs.
Our BMS graphics suck - part 2
If you don’t have these graphics, then you are not optimising the BMS.
Our BMS graphics suck - part 1
Graphics are the easiest thing to enhance to impress our customers. But, we continue to deliver the most simple graphics.
Simple PID adjustment that saves energy
When we want to save energy, we often start with the major systems. E.g., the chilled water system. But, there are a lot of small changes that can be made, which can often be done during BMS service time.
Why your company can't pay for advanced training
BMS companies are not training their engineers and managers in advanced concepts. If they are not going to do it, then you should consider investing in your own career.
Issues with multi-vendor BMS systems Part 3
Like everything, there are pros and cons that need to be considered when you have a multi-vendor BMS.
Multi-vendor BMS systems – where is the lock in? Part 2
Even if you have a multi-vendor BMS system, you can easily still get locked-in.
Open system vs open protocol – where is the lock in? Part 1
The definition of an open system changes depending on who you ask.
How many devices can you put on an RS485 Sub-network?
We have been following the same rule for over 30 years. Is it time to reconsider how we look at our serial sub-network designs?
Where did all the BMS people go?
They were here, and now they are not. I thought I’d sit down and try to work this one out as no one has given me a good answer yet.
How to submit a good quality BMS technical submission
There are a few basics that I feel have gotten lost over the years. If you are a BMS engineer and you submit BMS technical submissions for review, then you should watch this video.
Support for Windows Server 2012 will END October, 2023
If you have any Windows Server 2012 operating systems, then you need to get fee proposals in right now so that the funding will be available next year.
What are we going to give away next?
10 years ago, we gave away Energy Management Systems, 5 years ago we gave away building analytics. What are we going to give away next?
BMS Net Zero - Measurement and Verification
The BMS Net Zero program. Know exactly how you are going to test your optimisation efforts and how you are going to prove the reduced power consumption before you start. If you can not prove the saving, then there is no saving!
BMS Net Zero - Where to Start
The BMS Net Zero program. Which systems you start optimising is important. If you do not start with the right system, you may need to come back later and do it again.
BMS Net Zero - Introduction
We do not need millions of electric cars, millions of wind turbines, millions of solar panels, billions of dollars - we just need time to update the software programs in millions of existing BMS controllers. And, we can do this during normal service time. We already have a maintenance contract, we are already getting paid to go to site. Why not update the code while we are there?
I'll Bet Your VAV AHU Dirty Filter Monitoring is WRONG. You Will be Surprised
A differential pressure switch, used to determine if a filter is dirty, does not really work on VAV AHU's. This is another one of those things, where something changed 20 years ago, and we did not realise that our monitoring system needed to change.
What are we going to GIVE AWAY next?
Five years ago we gave away building Analytics, ten years ago we gave away Energy Management Systems. What are we going to give away in the next five years?
When will AI / ML Become Useful in Buildings? 5 years? 10 Years?
In this video we discuss the concept of just what may be possible if we all work together.
Covid is causing Outside Air Control Issues
After thought: When the health department talks about buildings that do not have enough outside air, they are probably talking about hotels, age care living, apartments, C-Grade buildings with DX air conditioning. I don't think this lack of outside air applies to premium grade and A-Grade buildings in expensive cities around the world, built in the past 10 years. They are often designed with lots of outside air (above code requirements).
System Pressure Control (Part 3)
This is the final video in a 3 part series on the design of the system pressure transmitter.
System Pressure Control (Part 2)
This is the 2nd video in a 3 part series on the design of the system pressure transmitter. In part 2 we look at three things to consider if the transmitter is installed far away from the chiller plant room.
System Pressure Control (Part 1)
This is the 1st in a 3 part series on the design of the system pressure transmitter. In part 1 we look at the installation location, and how appropriate the 3/4 rule is.
Why does BMS Instrumentation FAIL?
In this video we are introducing a couple of things for you to think about that may cause BMS equipment to prematurely fail. Can we make our BMS equipment last longer? Go study in depth the entire control loop from the sensor, through the controller to the output device. Read all the datasheets for every component, including the installation instructions. Go look at the cable.
How To Guarantee Financial Success On Your BMS Projects
Todays video follows on for our previous video on the importance of proactively managing and understanding the financial performance of your BMS projects.
How Important is it to YOU that Your Projects make Money?
This is video is for the Building Management System engineers that think they do not need to worry about Project Management. At the end of the day, project management is more important than design and engineering. Believe me, I have been there and felt the pain.
When Value Engineering Fails, Unnecessarily (VSD Control)
Sometimes value engineering fails, not because the concept does not work, but because we stop short of providing a complete solution.
Are we permitted to Interlock the Car Park Ventilation System with a Time Schedule?
Are we permitted to interlock the car park ventilation system with an occupancy time schedule? This is something that we regularly come across when reviewing BMS designs.
Part 2: Demand Control Ventilation Does Not Work in Older Buildings
In this second and final video we discuss why Demand Control Ventilation does not work in older buildings.
Part 1: Demand Control Ventilation Does Not Work in Older Buildings
In this video we discuss the 1st of 4 issues that you need to consider if you want to install CO2 sensors in older buildings.
The Mechanical Consultants BMS Design
This video wraps up the 3 part series on better understanding the BMS design from a mechanical consultants point of view. If you want to be a better BMS designer or project manager, then you need to understand the constraints of the mechanical consultant.
Why Does The Mechanical Consultant Choose The Lowest Price?
A common thing that that BMS companies complain about... Why does the mechanical consultant choose the lowest price? Or, even more general that that; why does the lowest price win? In 8 minutes you will know why :-)
Do You Understand Your Design & Construct Responsibility?
A lot of the things we blame the mechanical consultant for in the BMS industry, are actually our responsibility, and not their responsibility. This video starts a 3 part series into better understand our BMS issues, from a mechanical consultants point of view. Hopefully better understanding why these issues exist will help you to mitigate the issue and reduce the impact on your deliverables.
How Much Energy Is Your Optimal Start Wasting?
We tend to focus our efforts on the largest systems when we start an energy efficiency project. But, there are often easier ways, where small changes can make big savings.
BMS & Fire Mode
Even when a hardwired smoke control system is provided, it is easy for the BMS to cause significant issues. BMS engineers are often not aware that their software code is potentially affecting the life safety system. This is an important video, not just for BMS companies, but anyone that needs the fire and smoke control system to work during a fire.
Can you Control Water through a Coil with a Butterfly Valve? Maybe
This was a big surprise to me a couple of weeks ago. I was looking for an equal percentage modified characteristic curve and I stumbled onto the characteristic for a butterfly valve. Very interesting
Value = Optimisation + Graphics
In this video we are continuing our discussion about improving Building Management System graphics. Graphics that you need to build as part of a longer-term energy efficiency program. If you work in the BMS service department, then you are best placed to start working this into your normal day-to-day maintenance tasks.
BMS Home Page Graphic - Link Buttons Only?
When you design the BMS graphics, do you ever think about what the Facility Manager needs? The home page is the first graphic that is presented when someone logs in. You could almost say it is the most important page - make a good first impression.